Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where did Ecstasy come from??

MDMA known as Ecstasy, was patented and develpoed in 1912 by the German chemical company Merck. During production years it was introduced as a substance that would stop bleeding; going on to be aswsociated the helping of appetitie suppression in 1913.     Go to fullsize imageDuring the 1970's some U.S. psychiatrist began using MDMA as a psychoterapeutic tool despite never undergoing formal clinical trials, nor had they recieved approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration for human use. In the late 1970's and going into the 1980's this drug gained a small following among psychiatrist and some began to call it "Penicillin for the Soul". Ecstasy was noted to enhance communication in patient sessions.
Go to fullsize image In the year 1985, the United States Drug Enforcement (DEA) banned the drug placing it on its list of Schedule 1 drug,corresponding to those substances with no proven therapeutic value.
Go to fullsize image

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