Thursday, December 2, 2010

Well if Ecstasy is "so called so bad" Whats The Big HYPE??

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Go to fullsize image Ecstasy is HUGE in the PARTY SCENE... Miami Flordia is home of  Ecstasy access int he night club scene. The pills are used as recreational drugs they increase your level of socializing and dancing. Some people that I know can use up to fifteen pills a night on a normal night in the city of Atlanta Georgia. Upon the intake of these drugs the music begins to seduce ones body, the lights began to illuminate the soul it is very easy to purchase and even easier to conceal. The combonation of alcolhol can be lethal, the result have been reported to be very unpredictable. Death folling chronic ecstasy use has also been reported. Earky deaths are most often due to dehydration which again leads to liver, kidney and heart failure. Later deaths most commonly result from seizures and a condition that causes abnormal chemestries in the bloodstream.  

Trends in the ecsatsy use in America during he past decade were reflected in mainstream, American rap lyrics between the years of 1996 and 2006. Ecsatsy has also become the choice of drug in the entertainment industry. There are many celebrities that use ecstasy openly. This drug has affected diffrent people in many diffrent ways. Hip Hop artist Eminem stated that he uses ecstasy before every stage performance to "loosen up". Pop star Sting said in a article that "sex is better after the age forty when you use ecstasy". on the other hand there are some artist such as Fat Boy Slim one of the most infuential men in music and pop culture stated that "One pill changed my life" and to this day he will not touch ANY drug. Ecstasy has unfortunately become a worldwide epidemic in our schools, in our homes as well as our social and work lives. Ecstasy has also become the downfall to some suburban communities, these teens believe that in X they can run from any issue when in actuality they are only entering fantasyland not realizing that reality is at the end of that high just waiting to rear its ugly head......
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