Thursday, December 2, 2010

Teenaged Girls Give 2-year-old Ecstasy – Video » Blue Star Chronicles

Teenaged Girls Give 2-year-old Ecstasy – Video » Blue Star Chronicles

Well if Ecstasy is "so called so bad" Whats The Big HYPE??

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Go to fullsize image Ecstasy is HUGE in the PARTY SCENE... Miami Flordia is home of  Ecstasy access int he night club scene. The pills are used as recreational drugs they increase your level of socializing and dancing. Some people that I know can use up to fifteen pills a night on a normal night in the city of Atlanta Georgia. Upon the intake of these drugs the music begins to seduce ones body, the lights began to illuminate the soul it is very easy to purchase and even easier to conceal. The combonation of alcolhol can be lethal, the result have been reported to be very unpredictable. Death folling chronic ecstasy use has also been reported. Earky deaths are most often due to dehydration which again leads to liver, kidney and heart failure. Later deaths most commonly result from seizures and a condition that causes abnormal chemestries in the bloodstream.  

Trends in the ecsatsy use in America during he past decade were reflected in mainstream, American rap lyrics between the years of 1996 and 2006. Ecsatsy has also become the choice of drug in the entertainment industry. There are many celebrities that use ecstasy openly. This drug has affected diffrent people in many diffrent ways. Hip Hop artist Eminem stated that he uses ecstasy before every stage performance to "loosen up". Pop star Sting said in a article that "sex is better after the age forty when you use ecstasy". on the other hand there are some artist such as Fat Boy Slim one of the most infuential men in music and pop culture stated that "One pill changed my life" and to this day he will not touch ANY drug. Ecstasy has unfortunately become a worldwide epidemic in our schools, in our homes as well as our social and work lives. Ecstasy has also become the downfall to some suburban communities, these teens believe that in X they can run from any issue when in actuality they are only entering fantasyland not realizing that reality is at the end of that high just waiting to rear its ugly head......
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Ecstasy and your Brain & Body....

The use of ecstasy can increase a chemical in the body known as "catecholamine", this chemical elevates serotonin levels in the brain, this causing hallucinations decreasing appetite and increasing body temperature. Ecstasy has been shown to damage the brain cells specifically neurons releasing serotonin. Chronic use may lead to mood instability, cognitive impairment increased impulsivity or psychosis.
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What are the side effects of Ecstasy??

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There are several side effects of ecstasy; including involuntary teeth clenching, a loss of inhibition on sight and sound, nausea, blurred vision, chills and or sweating. Ecstasy increases the heart rate and blood pressure, seizures are also possible. Ecstasy can lead to severe dehydration and hyperthermia may cause dramatic increases in ones body tempature, which can lead to muscle breakdown, kidney liver and cardiovascular failure. Psychotic episodes have also been reported. There are alot of harmful effects due to the use of ecstasy. 
Ecstasy effects to the body

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How does Ecstasy look? What are the effects of Ecstasy?

Ecstasy usually comes in the form of a capsule or tablet. These tablets often come in 100mg to 125mg.
The pills are usually imprinted with popualr logos such as Nike or Mercedes Benz. Go to fullsize image
Ecstasy is usually taken orally Go to fullsize image but sometimes used as powder which is sniffed. Rarely can ecstasy be smoked or injected; though there are also reports of it being used as a suppository. The effects of ecstasy can vary depending on the user; taking effect within 20 to 40 minutes producing a euphoric high that could last from a minimum of three to four hours by generating a rush of serotonin. Users report that ecstasy produces intensely pleasurable effect including an enhanced sense of self confidence and energy. This ecstasy experiance  brings the feeling of closeness with others along with the desire to touch others.
 Go to fullsize image Go to fullsize imageGo to fullsize imageThe ecstasy user is stimulated both physically and mentally; after the rush the feeling of fatigue can hit a person heavily. Under the influence of Ecstasy can be a very nice feeling but can also bring a depressed feeling to users. A depressive mood could last for days.Go to fullsize image

Where did Ecstasy come from??

MDMA known as Ecstasy, was patented and develpoed in 1912 by the German chemical company Merck. During production years it was introduced as a substance that would stop bleeding; going on to be aswsociated the helping of appetitie suppression in 1913.     Go to fullsize imageDuring the 1970's some U.S. psychiatrist began using MDMA as a psychoterapeutic tool despite never undergoing formal clinical trials, nor had they recieved approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration for human use. In the late 1970's and going into the 1980's this drug gained a small following among psychiatrist and some began to call it "Penicillin for the Soul". Ecstasy was noted to enhance communication in patient sessions.
Go to fullsize image In the year 1985, the United States Drug Enforcement (DEA) banned the drug placing it on its list of Schedule 1 drug,corresponding to those substances with no proven therapeutic value.
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What is Ecstasy??... Methylenedioxymethamphetamine aka MDMA X Adam XTC

MDMA belongs to a family of drugs known as Entactogens which literally mean "touching within".
Ecstasy is a synthetic psychoative drug thats chemically similar to hallucinogen mescaline. This drug is Diagram of chemical structure of ecstasythe most unique amphetamine derivative because it can cause hallucinations also acting as both a stimulant and a psychedelic. Having somewhat of a safe drug reputation among its users;however this drug has been tied to several cases of sexual assaults and crime. Although Ecstasy is illegal more than 11 million people have reportedly tried "X" at least once. View Image

Thursday, October 28, 2010

methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is the scientific name for Ecstasy

But some "street" names for it are X, E, XTC, Rollers, Disco Biscuit, Go, Crystal, Adam, Hug drug, Love Drug, Lover's Speed, Clarity, and Speed.


Ecstasy is said to be like "Discovering a secret doorway into a room in your house that you did not previously know existed. It is a room in which both your inner experiance and your relations with others seem magically transformed; feeling really good about yourself and your life. Everyone who comes into this room seems more lovable. You find your thoughts flowing tuning into words that previously were blocked by fear and inhibition".   Go to fullsize image